incarnation of Jesus occurred about 5 B.C.
The world still celebrates this annually through the Christmas holiday. We remember how Jesus left heaven and came to
earth in the form of a baby. We remember
the day when God clothed Himself in human flesh becoming like one of us. It is the recognition of Jesus as fully God
and fully man and the declaration of Jesus’ Deity.
resurrection of Jesus occurred about A.D. 33.
The world still celebrates this annually through the Easter
holiday. We remember when Jesus
suffered, died by crucifixion, was buried and after three days rose again and
is still alive 2,000 years later. Most
importantly, it is the confirmation of Jesus’ Deity.
are these two historic events the greatest?
Because they declared to the world in Jesus’ own words, “I am the way,
and the truth, and the life” (John 14:6), which has become a beacon of hope for
mankind across all culture and time.
Deity and proof of it declared He is the way.
All mankind is searching to worship something in an attempt to navigate
through this world. Jesus proved He is
worthy of our worship.
Deity and proof of it declared He is the truth.
All of us long for the truth, to know what is right and wrong and how to
live a life free from guilt and shame.
Jesus proved He is the standard for truth balancing the scales of
justice and raising the flag of morality in an evil world.
Deity and proof of it declared He is the life.
All of us want the intangible things that money, power, success and
possessions can never buy – life, real life.
Jesus proved He is the source and giver of real and lasting life.